Fixing your Browser's Local Storage

If your account works in an incognito browser but does not load in the regular browser, this issue may be tied to your browser's local storage.

If there is an error in the Dashboard - such as Last Price not loading, Missing fonts, the dashboard is endlessly loading - doing the following below may also solve the issue. If it does not, please submit a customer support ticket.

How to Clear your Browser's Local Storage

Kindly follow these steps to clear your local storage (Keep in mind that this will log you out of your session and you'll need to log into your PF account again).

Step 1: Log in to your ProfitFarmers account through Google Chrome (not incognito). Go to your ProfitFarmers dashboard (HTTPS:// and click F12, this will open up your developer tools menu.

Step 2: Click the  double arrow icon (>>) on the upper right corner and select  Application 

Step 3: click the  Local Storage arrow to show the local storage.

Step 4: Click   ‘Clear All’

Step 5: Click the   Session Storage arrow and select the session storage.

Step 6: Click ‘Clear All’

IMPORTANT: This step will log you out of your existing login session so you will need to log into your account again.

Refresh the browser and try logging back in and see if the issue has been resolved.

If there is an error in the Dashboard - such as Last Price not loading, Missing fonts, the dashboard is endlessly loading - doing this may also solve the issue. If it does not, please submit a customer support ticket. 

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